Tomorrow night I have been invited to an informal gathering to discuss "Is America a Christian Nation?". Now, this is not going to be a gathering of those with the typical Dobson, FOF viewpoint. Nor are many, if any, bound to be professing believers. No, I suspect most will be there to unload how they hate Christianity, God, and all the other usual suspects who "try to force their morality on me".
I usually try to stay away from these types of gatherings because they are mostly fruitless. But I am considering going to this one. Jesus was not afraid of engaging doubters and haters. And since He really is the Truth, and really is the only hope for mankind, I think He may have something to say. It might not be through me, since nothing profound comes to mind.
Actually it seems to me to be the wrong question to ask and the wrong conversation to have. America as a matter of law does not endorse a religion, so why ask if we are Christian? What does that mean anyway? Are you asking if we are legally Christian? Is that even possible? I don't think so, even if our Constitution allowed it. Government driven by religion of any kind has never turned out well, Christian or otherwise.
Are you asking (or proclaiming) that Christians should not be allowed to have a say or influence the direction of our government? Good luck with that unless you have a secret plan to disenfranchise everyone with a religious or spiritual aspect to their lives? Oh, good luck with the identification process on that one, because you really can't stop with the Christians. Pagans, take note.
The real question for each of us is "who do you say that Jesus is?". This question lives on the personal level, not the political or national level. Relationship with God is not possible through legislative action. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, my focus is on the individual and their personal salvation. This is only spread by showing others the love of Jesus through our actions.
The goal is not a Christian nation. The goal is hearts and lives turned to Jesus Christ, from whom comes real hope and change. Doing this you will never create a Christian nation, but you may create a nation of people that love Jesus.
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