Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Francis Schaeffer Revisited

Back in the 80s and into the 90s I read most of Francis Schaeffer's works. I also read some of his son's, Franky Schaeffer V, as well. His work was foundational for me and what I gained from it has served me well over the years. It has also gotten me into trouble a few times as some in the church had a hard time dealing with it.

It was here I was introduced to the idea that the personal piety movement had actually led the church down the wrong road! Now, I will admit it can be hard to wrap your head around the idea that paying too much attention to your own spiritual condition can actually lead you in the wrong direction. How can this be?

Well, its not a huge leap. Where is it said that we were put here to pay attention to ourselves? Or to separate ourselves from "the world"? Rather, we are here to play a significant role in every aspect of life, not just the "spiritual" parts. Politics, arts, education, social issues, whatever. God has called us to be involved in it all. If Jesus is Lord of all, then is he not Lord of all areas of life and culture? And if He is Lord of all these things, why would He not want us involved in all of it?

Last week while perusing my bookshelf I came across Schaeffer's "A Christian Manifesto", which was basically a response to "A Human Manifesto" editions I and II. If you had told me Schaeffer has written it yesterday I would have believed you. (Yes, I know he died in 1986). To have a work whose truth spans generations speaks to his credit. This is no pop religious work designed to sell books. It strikes to the heart of what being a follower of Jesus means.

I have been too long uninvolved. My prayer is God releases me soon.

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